I Want to Move Better But I Don't Know Where to Start!
I’m about to make a bold statement. Movement is the most important thing in life. Let me explain why I have devoted the last 10 plus...
How Can I Keep Momentum Going While I'm Stuck At Home?
Momentum has spent a lot of time thinking about this, "how can I help my clients best while we can't see each other in person?"...
What if Muscles Don't Matter?
When you have pain, whether it's back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, or neck pain, what do you blame first? Muscles? Joints? Tendons and...
Sharing My Story
I was given an amazing opportunity to tell my story in the FSMTA magazing the Massage Message. If I have learned anything in my 8 years...
Now on Facebook!
Check out new information and updated blog posts on the Momentum Movement Therapy Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/momentummbw
Getting To The Root of Knee Pain
I would like to talk about a scary subject for a lot of people. Knees! Knees themselves aren't scary, but as soon as people feel pain in...
Small Changes, Big Results
I want to talk about a subject that is very close to my heart. I hear my clients tell me "I'm going to have pain for the rest of my life"...